March 28, 2025

Time Management for Teens

  Here we are at the beginning of a new school year.  You’ve purchased curriculum, decided upon co-op classes or online options, and bought all the fun organizing products to help your teen succeed in the coming school year. Now you have to decide how this year is going to play out.  Someone will be […]

High School Science Project – Part 3

This is the final installment in a series on Science Projects.  We’ve discussed how to put together your project and the various ways to present your information.  Today, we’ll be wrapping up with information on presenting all of your work in a science fair! If you missed the first two – take a look! Part […]

High School Science Project – Part 2

This is part 2 of a three-part blog series on completing a high school science project. Today we will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up next time with information on participating in science fairs. I encourage students to complete at least one science project during their high school years! PRESENTING YOUR […]

High School Science Project – Part 1

This will be a three-part blog post on completing a science project.  This initial post will give  an overview of what’s involved in a typical science project.  The next post will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up the series with information on participating in science fairs.  I encourage students to complete […]

Preparing Your Teenager For Life

I wrote the following article several years ago as my children were graduating high school and moving on to college. My children are all now fully functioning adults and I couldn’t be more proud. I now have the joy of working with many other families as they work on preparing teenagers to move on and […]

When To Use Homeschool Tutors

Many parents feel that they cannot possibly teach all the “difficult” high school courses. And, often rightly so – especially if you have more than one high school student. It is not an admission of weakness to seek outside help. Sometimes that means taking advantage of local classes, but it can also mean using tutors […]

High School Resume

There are so many things that a student does while he or she is in high school that just does not fit into an academic category and therefore do not show up on the student’s transcript.  Yet, these are often the things that make a student stand out.  In today’s blog, I want to encourage […]

Rebecca Donaldson – Outstanding Homeschooled Teen

I am so excited to feature Becca Donaldson today on The High School Puzzle. She is passionate about helping others through an organization called Hope Therapy. Here is what Becca has to say about her experiences: My name is Rebecca Donaldson and I volunteer for a non-profit organization called Hope Therapy. Hope Therapy’s goal for existence […]

Community Service Ideas For Teens

Spring is coming and it’s time to become active again.  I’ve already posted a few times about ways that teens can volunteer in their community, but here’s a list of websites that can help you search out your own places to serve. There are so many reasons to volunteer in your community! Community Service Ideas […]

Working in High School – Pros and Cons

Once a student becomes high school age, they often want to get a job. There are pros and cons to working while a student is in high school. Today I’ll work on the pros! This is probably good news for high school students as they often like having their own money and as homeschoolers, they […]