March 28, 2025

Time Management for Teens

  Here we are at the beginning of a new school year.  You’ve purchased curriculum, decided upon co-op classes or online options, and bought all the fun organizing products to help your teen succeed in the coming school year. Now you have to decide how this year is going to play out.  Someone will be […]

And the Winner is YOU!

As I’ve said before: “Teens!  This is the only time in your life when people want to give you money.  Get out there and get some of it!”  All types of agencies set up all types of scholarships for all types of students.  I had the honor of recently speaking to a group of teens […]

Florida Legislative Updates March 2017

The latest from our Homeschool Lobbyist – Brenda Dickinson 2017 Bill Announcements Districts  Interpretation of the Home Education Law Brenda Dickinson, President of the Home Education Foundation, has been working since last summer to attempt to resolve by negotiation and education some of the issues which have arisen around the state challenging the freedoms of […]

Last Minute Scholarship Opportunities – Oct 2015

As we come to the end of October, here are some last-minute opportunities you may want to take advantage of!     Doodle 4 Google 2015 Google is awarding a $30,000 scholarship to the best Google Doodle designed by a student.  This contest is open to K-12 and doodles must be submitted by December 7, […]

New SAT/PSAT Test Overview

Here’s a wonderful overview of the upcoming changes to the SAT and PSAT.  This information was recently prepared by Jean Burk of College Prep Genius: THE BASICS: The new SAT will be in effect spring of 2016. The new PSAT will be in effect fall 2015. The College Board only released a full-length test at the […]

Homeschooling 12th Grade

This is the fourth in a series of posts on what you should expect to be doing in each of your high school years as a homeschooled student.  So, if this is your 12th-grade year – CONGRATULATIONS!  You have made it!  This will be the year that you put in the final pieces of the puzzle […]

College Scholarships for Homeschoolers – Nov. ’14

The theme this month is science!  If science is your thing, here are a couple of college scholarships for homeschoolers that you should check out. Science Sleuth  The premise behind this scholarship is to get more girls involved in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)  BUT, you don’t have to be a girl to participate […]

Homeschooling 11th Grade

Last month, I began a discussion outlining an ideal plan for high school and so far, we have discussed some things students should be doing as ninth and tenth graders.  This week, we’ll be talking about what a student should be focusing on in their junior year.  Homeschooling 11th grade will be a very busy year […]

Combining Homeschool Classes

When we get into high school we often get into the idea of putting credits into a box, or compartmentalizing everything.  We have a textbook for math, a textbook for science, a textbook for English ….. you get the picture.   But there is a great benefit to teaching living subjects, rather than just working […]

College Planning for 10th Grade

A few weeks ago, I began a discussion outlining an ideal plan for high school and we discussed some things students should be doing as ninth graders.  Let’s continue that discussion this week with a plan for your tenth grade students. Students in tenth grade should now be fully entrenched in high school level coursework. […]