February 19, 2025

High School Science Project – Part 2

This is part 2 of a three-part blog series on completing a high school science project. Today we will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up next time with information on participating in science fairs. I encourage students to complete at least one science project during their high school years! PRESENTING YOUR […]

High School Scholarships – July ’14

I know it’s summertime – but we can still work on some scholarship money for college, so here are a few more opportunities that you may want to check out! High school scholarships can make all of the difference during those college years! Wells Fargo College STEPS Sweepstakes Wells Fargo wants to keep you informed […]

High School Science Project – Part 1

This will be a three-part blog post on completing a science project.  This initial post will give  an overview of what’s involved in a typical science project.  The next post will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up the series with information on participating in science fairs.  I encourage students to complete […]

Preparing Your Teenager For Life

I wrote the following article several years ago as my children were graduating high school and moving on to college. My children are all now fully functioning adults and I couldn’t be more proud. I now have the joy of working with many other families as they work on preparing teenagers to move on and […]

When To Use Homeschool Tutors

Many parents feel that they cannot possibly teach all the “difficult” high school courses. And, often rightly so – especially if you have more than one high school student. It is not an admission of weakness to seek outside help. Sometimes that means taking advantage of local classes, but it can also mean using tutors […]

Home School Guidance Counselor – What To Expect

So – here’s a question that I get on a fairly regular basis: “What do you do in a guidance counseling session?” And, the answer I give is: “It depends upon what you need.” I know – that’s a pretty evasive sounding response, so let me take a few moments to outline many of the […]

High School Scholarships – June ’14

Here are a few new ideas for those of you who are looking for scholarships for college. Which should be all of you! Family Travel Forum Teen Travel Writing Scholarship 2014  (now updated with the 2015 info) Are you heading someplace exciting this summer? If so, students in the 8th through 12th grades are invited to […]

High School Courses – Take or Make?

Most of us have just finished with the school year, but I know that you are already starting to think about what classes you’re going to need to take next year, so I want to spend a few moments discussing various ways that high school students can take (or make) courses for high school credit. […]

HSLDA Photography Contest

Do you have a student who has an eye for photography? Well, it’s time once again for HSLDA’s annual photography contest where homeschooling students from ages 7 to 19 are invited to submit photographs to compete for cash prizes.   Because entries are judged based on a student’s photographic skill, photos are not to be […]

The Importance of Driver’s Ed

One of the things that teenagers look forward to is being able to drive the car.  Depending on the family, this can be a relief since you won’t need to chauffer your teen around all the time – or it can be a scary thing as you watch your young driver move out from under […]