March 28, 2025

New SAT/PSAT Test Overview

Here’s a wonderful overview of the upcoming changes to the SAT and PSAT.  This information was recently prepared by Jean Burk of College Prep Genius: THE BASICS: The new SAT will be in effect spring of 2016. The new PSAT will be in effect fall 2015. The College Board only released a full-length test at the […]

Homeschooling 11th Grade

Last month, I began a discussion outlining an ideal plan for high school and so far, we have discussed some things students should be doing as ninth and tenth graders.  This week, we’ll be talking about what a student should be focusing on in their junior year.  Homeschooling 11th grade will be a very busy year […]

Homeschooling Ninth Grade!

Let’s spend a little time talking about an ideal plan for each high school year.  Today I’ll deal with things you should be accomplishing in a student’s ninth grade year.  Please don’t hold to this exact schedule as each student is different, but let me at least give you an idea of things you should […]

Finding A Career Path – Helping Your Teen

I raised three children and just as God planned it, they were all interested in following different paths for their lives. We have to remember that one of our most important jobs as a homeschooling family is to help our teens with finding a career path. My oldest, lovingly called “the nerd” by her siblings, […]

P.E.R.T. – Postsecondary Education Readiness Test

Most colleges require an SAT or ACT score for admission.  If a student’s scores are weak in an area, the college may also require a college placement test to determine which classes a student will be placed in.  Many colleges will also use a placement exam as admission to their dual enrollment program.  The Postsecondary […]

Advanced Placement Courses

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program® is an academically challenging set of courses.   These courses are taught at the college level and in order for a course to receive an AP designation the course content must be approved by the College Board. If a student successfully completes the AP exam at the end of the […]

The ACT Exam

One of the primary ways that colleges evaluate students for admission is through the use of standardized tests.  There are several tests available, but the two most commonly used evaluations are the SAT and the ACT.  Today, we’ll be discussing the ACT exam. The ACT is a knowledge-based test and contains four sections:  English, Mathematics, Reading, […]

College Credit by Exam – Not Just CLEP

Many of us are familiar with CLEP exams.  These are tests that students can take in a specific subject area to show their mastery in that subject.  These test scores can then be taken to their college and a student can receive credit there – without actually taking the college course.  We call these types […]

Secrets of the PSAT

A few weekends ago I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Wellington, FL and attend Jean Burk’s College Prep Genius SAT Bootcamps.  She does a phenomenal job of preparing students to take the SAT.  She and I would both encourage you to enroll your 9th, 10th and 11th-grade students for the upcoming PSAT.  Check out […]

High School Math

Math – you either love it or you don’t. But we all gotta’ do it.  In high school you will want to take a math course every year.  Sometimes that’s a good thing because it’s simply a logical progression of courses in math subjects.  But it can also be the elephant in the room – […]