March 28, 2025

High School Science Project – Part 3

This is the final installment in a series on Science Projects.  We’ve discussed how to put together your project and the various ways to present your information.  Today, we’ll be wrapping up with information on presenting all of your work in a science fair! If you missed the first two – take a look! Part […]

High School Science Project – Part 2

This is part 2 of a three-part blog series on completing a high school science project. Today we will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up next time with information on participating in science fairs. I encourage students to complete at least one science project during their high school years! PRESENTING YOUR […]

High School Science Project – Part 1

This will be a three-part blog post on completing a science project.  This initial post will give  an overview of what’s involved in a typical science project.  The next post will discuss ways to present your data and we’ll wrap up the series with information on participating in science fairs.  I encourage students to complete […]

High School Science Requirements

When you look at a list of requirements to graduate high school or the required courses needed in order to apply for college you will almost always see a specified number of science credits – and usually it will be required that the majority of these credits have a lab component.  This simply means that […]

High School Science Projects

Science is my favorite subject!  It’s what I teach.  I think I like it because it’s such a hands-on subject.  It’s all about discovery and getting your hands dirty.  Unfortunately, when we get to high school, we often turn science into a bunch of facts to memorize.   Though not always practical on a daily […]

Assigning Grades and a Free Grading Rubric

We are now halfway through the school year and I’d like to talk with you about assigning grades.  One of the bad raps that homeschoolers get from the outside world is that our students all earn A’s because mom is assigning the grades.  And while we know this isn’t always true (sometimes it actually is), […]

Homeschool Science Labs In High School

In high school, students are encouraged to take several science courses, preferably with hands-on labs.  The study of the natural world is all about observation and one of the ways that students learn to observe in detail is through the completion of lab experiments. Most science textbooks contain experiments that correspond with the subject being […]

STEM Education

One of the new buzz words in the education community is ‘STEM’.  This is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.  The term has been around for a while – it just seems like it’s been more of a hot topic the past several years.  We’re starting to see a lot of curriculum listed […]