March 28, 2025

Preparing Your Teenager For Life

I wrote the following article several years ago as my children were graduating high school and moving on to college. My children are all now fully functioning adults and I couldn’t be more proud. I now have the joy of working with many other families as they work on preparing teenagers to move on and […]

High School Resume

There are so many things that a student does while he or she is in high school that just does not fit into an academic category and therefore do not show up on the student’s transcript.  Yet, these are often the things that make a student stand out.  In today’s blog, I want to encourage […]

Working in High School – Pros and Cons

Once a student becomes high school age, they often want to get a job. There are pros and cons to working while a student is in high school. Today I’ll work on the pros! This is probably good news for high school students as they often like having their own money and as homeschoolers, they […]

Giving Thanks!

The following is a guest post by Maryann Iffland, author of Healthy Home-Ec. Many of us tend to think that Abraham Lincoln was the first to set aside a day of thanksgiving, but that’s not exactly true. In 1 Chronicles chapter 16 verse 7 it says, “Then on that day David first appointed that thanksgiving […]

Support Homeschool Organizations

If you are currently homeschooling, you are the beneficiary of many who have gone before you and paved the way, as well as many who are still working diligently on your behalf.  In this post, my goal is to encourage you to be an avid supporter of both your local homeschool groups and those homeschool […]