March 28, 2025

Homeschooling 12th Grade

This is the fourth in a series of posts on what you should expect to be doing in each of your high school years as a homeschooled student.  So, if this is your 12th-grade year – CONGRATULATIONS!  You have made it!  This will be the year that you put in the final pieces of the puzzle […]

Finding A Career Path – Helping Your Teen

I raised three children and just as God planned it, they were all interested in following different paths for their lives. We have to remember that one of our most important jobs as a homeschooling family is to help our teens with finding a career path. My oldest, lovingly called “the nerd” by her siblings, […]

High School Resume

There are so many things that a student does while he or she is in high school that just does not fit into an academic category and therefore do not show up on the student’s transcript.  Yet, these are often the things that make a student stand out.  In today’s blog, I want to encourage […]

Homeschooling and College Acceptance

It doesn’t happen as often these days, but there used to be a great concern among homeschooling families that they would have a difficult time getting their student into college.  As families, we still worry that we won’t be able to do everything required to get our student into their college of choice.  We also […]

Visiting Colleges – Why On-Site Is Best

As you prepare for college, one of the things that you will want to do is visit college campuses.  You can learn a lot about a college from its website; some sites will even take you on a virtual tour – but before you start making decisions about where your student will spend much of […]

College Credit by Exam – Not Just CLEP

Many of us are familiar with CLEP exams.  These are tests that students can take in a specific subject area to show their mastery in that subject.  These test scores can then be taken to their college and a student can receive credit there – without actually taking the college course.  We call these types […]

College Fairs

In a student’s junior and senior years of high school, we typically encourage families to begin seriously researching colleges.  This would mean going to the college website, gathering their admissions materials and eventually visiting the college campus.  A few times a year, however, students can take advantage of college fairs – an event where many […]

College Applications

Where do I want to go to college?  What do I want to study?  What classes do I need to take now?  How do I get good test scores? How are we going to pay for it all?  Will I meet my future spouse there? For most of these questions, I can get you started […]

High School Graduation Requirements

The law in many states, including Florida, does not outline the specific credit requirements for a homeschooled student to graduate from high school.   Nor does the state issue a diploma to home-educated students.  This means that you are responsible for determining which credits your student must earn before you declare them graduated and issue […]