February 15, 2025

Finding A Career Path – Helping Your Teen

I raised three children and just as God planned it, they were all interested in following different paths for their lives. We have to remember that one of our most important jobs as a homeschooling family is to help our teens with finding a career path. My oldest, lovingly called “the nerd” by her siblings, […]

College Credit by Exam – Not Just CLEP

Many of us are familiar with CLEP exams.  These are tests that students can take in a specific subject area to show their mastery in that subject.  These test scores can then be taken to their college and a student can receive credit there – without actually taking the college course.  We call these types […]

CLEP – The College-Level Examination Program

CLEP – aka College Credit for What You Already Know! Imagine you could spend a few hours letting people know how well you grasp the material in a subject area and for those few hours worth of time, you would receive college credit.   Well, that’s what college-credit-by-examination is all about.  There are several such […]