February 15, 2025

Working in High School – Pros and Cons

Once a student becomes high school age, they often want to get a job. There are pros and cons to working while a student is in high school. Today I’ll work on the pros! This is probably good news for high school students as they often like having their own money and as homeschoolers, they usually have the time to hold down a job and get their school work done.

working in high school pros and cons

It might not be quite this easy…

Since the ultimate goal in schooling our children is to get them ready for the adult world, a job is just one more step in preparing them for their future roles.  It is an especially good idea for a teenager to find a job in the field that they think they want to pursue as an adult. This will give them exposure to the type of work they will be doing; it will also let them meet and start networking with individuals in that field.  All three of my children held jobs while they were in high school and they were each blessed with good bosses who helped train them with good work ethics.  One boss in particular helped my daughter with great recommendations and years later, he is now a client of hers!

Even if your student cannot obtain employment in their desired field, holding a job of any type is good training ground for responsibility and learning to work with and serve others.

Homeschooled students have the benefit of being able to work during hours that most teens cannot. This often makes them more appealing to employers. In fact, here in the state of Florida you can apply for a Child Labor Waiver that will allow your student to work beyond the hourly limitations of the state child labor law. You can find more information on the Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s website.  Fill out this application and submit it to Tallahassee for approval.  In fact, you can do this before applying for a job.  I know of at least one student who got their job because they presented this waiver at their first interview.

And, dear loving homeschooling parent –it is important that you allow your students to go through the job application process themselves. I know of a few homeschool–friendly employers in our city and they have each experienced homeschooling mothers calling to ask for a job for their students.  While this may seem to be the expedient thing to do, even if you are best friends with the employer your student is still the one who should initiate the process.

As a side benefit, having a job is also a good opportunity to teach your student financial responsibility. Starting good habits with a small paycheck will help them grow these habits when it’s their turn to support a family.

~to your success


Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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