March 28, 2025

Homeschooling 12th Grade

This is the fourth in a series of posts on what you should expect to be doing in each of your high school years as a homeschooled student.  So, if this is your 12th-grade year – CONGRATULATIONS!  You have made it!  This will be the year that you put in the final pieces of the puzzle […]

Preparing A Diploma For Homeschool Graduation!

It’s that time of year!  Graduation!!  Congratulations to all the high school seniors out there on all of the hard work you have put in to bring you to this point.  Job well done!  Many of you are planning to participate in a graduation ceremony or celebration of some type – so enjoy your day.  […]

High School Graduation Requirements

The law in many states, including Florida, does not outline the specific credit requirements for a homeschooled student to graduate from high school.   Nor does the state issue a diploma to home-educated students.  This means that you are responsible for determining which credits your student must earn before you declare them graduated and issue […]