February 15, 2025

Homeschooling High Schoolers – A Class

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with some homeschooling families in St. Johns, FL.   We got together for the evening and walked through the nuts and bolts of homeschooling a high school student.   Throughout the year, I hold similar classes and go through many of the details of high school at home – things such as earning credits, keeping records for a transcript and preparing for college.  These classes have been helpful to many homeschooling families – whether they are just starting their high school journey or are in the midst of it – there’s always something new to be gleaned.

Homeschooling High Schoolers

Had a great class!

One of the things I enjoy most is meeting and talking with homeschooling families.  Everyone is on a unique path but they all have the same goal – they are preparing their students for adulthood.  I have yet to meet a family that doesn’t know what to do to prepare their teens – but I do meet  many families who don’t feel confident with putting it all on paper so that colleges, technical schools, etc. will accept their work.  As homeschoolers, we all seem to do just fine, until we reach high school – then suddenly everything “counts” and we’re concerned that we’re going to do it all wrong.

When our family began the high school journey, I did all the research myself.  I was scared to death that I wouldn’t get it all right and it would cause problems for my daughter.  I’m not sure why I felt I had to do all this extra work.  Many, many homeschooling parents had gone before me.  But, here I was – reinventing the wheel.  God gave me three very different children, with three very different paths so I have learned a lot in the process and it’s not as scary as it once seemed.  In fact, I am very confident with what we have done.  It’s amazing how “educated” you become once you are thrust into a new arena.  And, with that “education” comes confidence.

So, now, on a fairly regular basis, I teach this two-hour course on homeschooling your high school student.  In these two hours we will cover the above items as well as things like how to take high school level courses – just when you can start this work, how to maintain a portfolio of work done and how to translate it all into a transcript.  We’ll also discuss college entrance exams, applying for colleges and working towards scholarship dollars.

Check HERE often for upcoming dates and if you’d like to schedule a class in your area, just contact me and we’ll work to make it happen.

~to your success



  1. Michelle Sears says

    Dear Mrs. Mastronicola,

    Thank you for speaking tonight at the event hosted by Prospering Oaks. Your class was packed with useful information, and I left the meeting feeling encouraged and empowered. As our family undertakes the next season of homeschooling, we hope to implement the tools provided in your book as well as procure your expert services.

    Michelle Sears

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