This is the final installment in a series on Science Projects. We’ve discussed how to put together your project and the various ways to present your information. Today, we’ll be wrapping up with information on presenting all of your work in a science fair! If you missed the first two – take a look!
It’s a great idea to complete a science project while you are a high school student.
Since you’ve done so much great work on your project – you’ll also want to enter it into a science fair or two. Many local homeschool groups have fairs in which you can participate. Check with them early to know deadlines and rules for entering. You’ll find that many of these offer prizes for various projects.
The official science fair is called the International Science and Engineering Fair. Fairs that are affiliated with, or that will be sending delegates to an ISEF fair, will have a stricter set of guidelines that one must follow in order to participate. Sometimes requiring pre-approval for some aspects of your project. This is not to discourage you from attending, but to encourage you to check with them early so that you don’t miss participating on a technicality. The ISEF fairs start local with winners being sent to regional, state and national competitions. All along the way, students have opportunities to win prizes including cash, scholarships, and even internships with prestigious companies. For fun, check the ISEF website for a fair near you and go visit this year.
At the science fair, participants will be asked to set up a board and any accompanying materials; then a set of judges will precede through the room to interview the project preparers. They may come as a group, or arrive one at a time. When they arrive at your booth, they will read the abstract on your board and ask you questions about the project. Depending upon the fair, they may also have a copy of your paper or abstract before they arrive. You are now the expert, so be prepared to give a short overview of your project including why you choose the project, how you conducted the experiment, the results of your project and how these results can be applied to life.
Science fairs are dressy occasions, wear your best clothes and be on your most professional behavior. Make good eye contact and speak clearly when the judges are at your table. Wait patiently with your project when they are not. The judges will spend three to five minutes with you and your project before moving to the next participant.
As I said at the beginning of this series – science projects can be extensive and sometimes feel overwhelming, but I encourage students to do at least one during their high school years as not only is it a great way to study a scientific process in detail, it’s also a lesson in perseverance, in tackling a large task and in finishing a job well.
~to your success!
Image courtesy of samuiblue /
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