February 19, 2025

High School Scholarships – October ’13 Update

I often hear from students that they are not “smart enough” to qualify for college scholarships.  But, as I’ve mentioned before – so many scholarships have nothing to do with your test scores.   It’s really just a matter of legwork.  This month I’m listing a few non-academic scholarships that you may want to check out!

high school scholarships

Donate A Cell Phone Scholarship

This scholarship works well for you if you have a lot of old cell phones lying around.  DoSomething.org is collecting old cell phones to aid victims of domestic abuse.  They will either refurbish the phone or recycle the materials for funds.  So, to encourage donations they are awarding one $4,000 scholarship.  To be eligible for the scholarship you have to sign up for their campaign, mail in at least one cell phone (they pay shipping), upload a picture of yourself with the phone(s), and answer a few questions.  Additional phones mean more chances to win.   All submissions are to be received by November 29, 2013.

high school scholarships

Alzheimer’s Foundation Teen Video Competition

The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America has created a division to help raise Alzheimer’s awareness among teens and as part of their campaign, they sponsor an annual video competition for teens ages 13-19.  $500 is awarded to the grand-prize winner and $250 to the first runner up.   The video is to be an original artistic or documentary video about Alzheimer’s disease and/or related dementias. It is to be no longer than two minutes in length and is to be accompanied by a brief autobiography.  Applications and accompanying materials must be received by December 1, 2013.

high school scholarships

Imagine America Foundation Career Scholarship

This scholarship is aimed at high school seniors who are looking to attend a career college.   Public school guidance counselors are invited to nominate students for the $1,000 scholarship so I called the organization and asked about homeschooled students and learned that they are eligible as well – they just need an independent authority to nominate them.  This could be a coach, a pastor or someone else in a leadership role in their life.   Contact Imagine America to discuss your individual case.  The student needs to have a GPA of at least 2.5, demonstrate a financial need and be participating in voluntary community service during their senior year in high school.   The deadline for nomination is December 31, 2013.  Go to their website to see what colleges are accepting this scholarship.

~to your success




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